Promising setup that amounts to nothing much
17 February 2010
Ewan McGregor, as the ghost, and Olivia Williams, as his client's wife, have real chemistry, which makes the time they spend at the beach house exciting and intensive. While he manages to come across as boyish and grown-up, clever and confused at the same time, she is very hot in her own very cool sort of way. Unfortunately, everything else pales by comparison with this half-hour stretch of attraction and adultery: The seen-before thriller plot Polanski himself seems bored with. Pierce Brosnan, whose half-dozen scenes amount to little more than a guest appearance. Even Kim Cattrall, in her first serious screen appearance since "The Devil and Daniel Webster", is little more than (admittedly classy) decoration. Overall, the tedious bits outweigh the thrilling bits, which is why this is only a five out of ten for me despite its obvious production value.
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