Review of Legacy

Legacy (I) (2010)
Gripping old-school thriller
4 March 2010
Legacy is an interesting film, to say the least. 90% of it is spent in a small hotel room, and follows the mental deterioration of a Black Ops soldier, recently returned from a botched mission in Eastern Europe, as he attempts a mission of self-retribution and revenge. It's a psychological thriller with stylistic hallmarks of greats from a bygone era ('Manchurian Candidate' and Hitchcock's 'Rear Window' spring to mind), where suspense and tension were paramount, instead of fast-paced action and explosive thrills.

A claustrophobic, slow-burning film like this lives or dies on it's performances, and Legacy really shines in that area, with Idris Elba playing the lead role with haunting intensity. The rest of the cast do great jobs as well.

The editing and cinematography are tight, and fit the dark, brooding mood of the film effectively.

The main story itself is gripping in all the right places, and is well paced, but there were one or two confusing moments where I felt a bit lost, and found myself wondering if I'd missed something important.

You owe it to yourself to check this out if you're a fan of strong acting, and clever, suspenseful thrillers.
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