Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
More C.S.Lewis than Lewis Carroll
11 March 2010
Your kids may like it, but parents, stay away. While the book this is based on was more than a children's book, very few grown-ups will enjoy the movie. Although it's very colorful and rich in cute details, the story it tells is beyond boring. In Tim Burton's version, Alice is closer to C.S.Lewis' messianic tales than to the wit and subtle sauciness of Lewis Carroll's imagination. Mia Wasikowska, in the title role, is pretty, but entirely lifeless, not to mention her ludicrous accent. Johnny Depp has saved many mediocre movies, but even he can't sail a sinking ship. While he made "Pirates of the Caribbean" worth my while, he couldn't save the "Chocolate Factory", and he won't save "Alice" either. Whatever Tim Burton touches, it comes out sickly sweet. If Lewis Carroll were alive today, and making movies, he'd be directing something like "Resident Evil" instead. It's the story of Alice going under ground, after all. I can't wait for "Afterlife". Can you?
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