Review of Cut

Cut (I) (2010)
Interesting concept with bad post production and many clichés...
13 March 2010
The title of the movie is 'Cut', leading viewers to believe that the film is a conventional horror flick, and that the killers and bad guys like to cut their victims. Similar to how the first SAW film involved someone using a saw to literally saw his own leg off. However with 'Cut' the title of the film has a closer relationship with the way that the movie is filmed, in that it is done in one seamless single take, there are no cuts or edits. At least with the visual portion of the film there aren't. According to the IMDb trivia section for the film it took 36 attempts before a final cut was satisfactorily completed.

An interesting concept, to cut a horror film in a single take, but it's nothing revolutionary (plays have been recorded in one take and put to film for decades for example). The execution for the acting, directing, cinematography is actually alright for a movie done without a break from start to finish. The actors get their lines across convincingly, the special effects are well masked, the camera follows the action quite well. But things are never as good as they could be for a few reasons, some ridiculously bad decisions are made by the protagonists (a tired cliché for the horror genre), and the music is entirely distracting and almost comical.

The basic premise of the film is that a group of friends take a vacation in a remote cabin or home and some psychopaths terrorize them. It's been done too many times before, the 2009 remake of Friday the 13th, The Strangers, the recent remake of Last House on the Left, and U.S. version of Funny Games, are four recent examples where a group of people, or a family, is terrorized by a few deranged individuals. Even the pizza delivery aspect of this film was just done in 'The House of the Devil' which came out only a few months ago. The only thing new about this film is the single take aspect. Every aspect of the plot is directly borrowed from some other film and it seems like the writers didn't even care.

But the worst part of this film is without question the audio post production, specifically the music. I don't understand the idea of filming a movie in one take only to sabotage the entire affair by drowning out the dialog with blaring music and adding in loud orchestral stabs and hits to try to scare the audience. Early in the film a character turns out the lights to scare his friends, the flick of the light switch coincides with the loudest blast of trumpets and drums in the film, deliberately put there to scare the audience. I swear it sounded like a howitzer cannon was being fired next to my ear. Relying on such a lame tactic to scare the viewing audience was met with laughter from myself and all of my friends. And that cliché and obnoxious horror orchestral score that constantly leads the audience into when they should be scared or nervous is entirely distracting and comical in this film.

Characters in this film cannot turn a door knob, open the curtains, or brush their teeth without a thunderous trumpet or drum hit absolutely erupting from the speakers. At one point a character approaches a curtain to open it, and it sounds as if the entire country of China is playing the violin. I guess the intent was to scare the viewing audience but everyone around me, and myself, mostly ended up laughing. I doubt eliciting laughter was the intention of the film's creators.

And yes, like most modern horror movies, the characters are insanely stupid. Always splitting up into groups, failing to lock doors and windows, failing to secure themselves. And in general putting themselves in harm's way more often than not. The excuse that the film's writers will give is that the protagonists have been drinking all night and that's why they are acting dumb. They are drunk. But the actors are clearly sober in the film and not once do they slur any of their words and they seem to have complete control over their motor functions.

If you are into film production or writing, or are a big horror fan, then you should probably give this film a go. But if you're a casual movie person looking for a film to watch with friends then I can't recommend this really. A decent effort, maybe it will lead to better ideas, but nothing spectacular. 3/10
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