What some may find to be unbelievable is very real in India
29 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** An unusually large, looking like a sumo wrestler in street clothes, John Hall is US diplomat Martin Viking who's on the run from both the local Indian police and a gang of Junipur Terrorists in the exciting suspense action thriller "Last Train from Bomay". Martin is trying to prevent the murder of the Newob of Junipur and his daughter the Princess by the gang of Junipur nationalist terrorists. It's the Junipur terrorists who had planted explosive charges on the rails of the train the two are traveling on: The Gundar to Luckow Special.

It was almost by accident that Martin found out what the terrorists planned to do when his friend and army buddy British Cammando Kevin O'Hara, Douglas Kennedy, tried to recruit him into that very terrorist gang! Since the end of WWII O'Hara has gotten bored with civilian life that took all the fun, for him, out of living. With O'Hara looking for some action he decides to help his friends in the Junipur Terrorist movement to start up a civil war that will give him all the action that he could possibly handle!

It was just too bad that O'Hara never lived to see his dream come true with him getting a dagger in his chest as him and Martin, who was both shocked and against O'Hara's crazy plan, had it out with the lights turned off in Martin's hotel room. The unknown and unseen killer of O'Hara was sent by his fellow Junipur Terrorists to shut him up because he was becoming a liability to the movement in him being such a loose cannon!

Facing imprisonment by the Indian Police in him being suspected in O'Hara's murder Martin's only hope is to get to the rail crossing where O'Hara planted the explosives and prevent the derailing the Gundar to Luckow Special, and killing everyone on board, in order to clear himself. This has Martin hounded all across the Indian subcontinent ending up beaten drugged and almost strangled by local police hoodlums and Junipur Terrorists.

Being the "hunk" that he is, looking like he weighs up to 300 pounds, Martin is not only surprisingly agile and acrobatic, with his movie double doing all the stunt work for him, he's also a big hit with the ladies in the movie who just can't get-in spite of how big he is- enough of him! The husky and bursting out of his clothes Martin later gets involved with American tourist Mary Anne Palmer, Christine Larson, as well as local bar girl Charlene, Lisa Farraday, who are key in his attempt in preventing the terrorists in succeeding in their bloody mission.

***SPOILERS*** There's still a number of surprises coming Martins as well as the audiences' way especially who's really behind the plot to murder the Newob and his daughter! That all has to do with what size shoe the terrorist leader is wearing! Still Martin ends up saving the day the nation-India-and the royal family of the Newob of Junipur by him stopping the terrorist from carrying out their plan in just the nick of time. That's by Martin getting to and detonating the explosive charge meant for the Gundar to Luckow Special before the train could get to it first!
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