Cut (I) (2010)
Quite a spectacular failure
8 April 2010
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Cut is trying to ride on the publicity of being the first Brit horror flick to be shot in one continuous take, the impression being of trying to create a 'real time' feel to it. It sort of works in this sense, but in terms of making it 'work', it's a miserable failure.

This is just an amateurish and embarrassing effort from beginning to end, with no redeeming qualities to speak of. Cheap looking, not scary, not funny, poorly written, badly acted and over faster than sex. And, of course, infamous glamour girl Danielle Lloyd has her sexy image plastered on the front cover to lure you in, despite being in it for less than five minutes at the beginning. She shouldn't expect her 'acting' career to go very far on the basis of this. *
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