The Greatest (2009)
Moving and Emotional
21 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I hope people see this well-written, well-acted movie. It reminded me of Redford's "Ordinary People", only less dark. This movie interjects welcome and necessary breaks of humor appropriately and ends so that it does not become too much to bear. And it does not dwell or linger in a dark place; the scenes change so you move with the story. There is one shot on the beach with Brosnan and Sarandon which is particularly lovely.

To see a film that wrings the tears out of your heart 5 minutes into it - only to succumb again and again - AND compel you to laugh out loud, is getting your money's worth. I saw it at the Nashville Film Festival and though I was into the movie, I could not tune out the audible emotional gamut of the audience - gentle sobbing, shock, chuckles and laughter. So it wasn't just me!

I expected perfection from Sarandon, anticipated good things from Carey Mulligan and Aaron Johnson, and was pleased with Johnny Simmons. What surprised me was Pierce Brosnan - not only that he played a sympathetic, complex character but also that he exec produced it. I liked him fine as a Bondsman but I admit I sold him short, subscribing to an eye candy should be seen, not heard mentality. I appreciated his packaging but never gave much thought to him having any interesting cerebral activity other than walk, smile and stun. Good turn for him! I was impressed and he should be proud.

Again, I am afraid that it will not be seen by many folks unless Marketing makes it happen. I expected an honest effort but did not really believe I would like it this much. I am glad I saw it. The storyline may not be so compelling in itself to draw in masses but those who come, will be touched and satisfied.
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