Hypocrites (1915)
"Leave the gold and come on"
2 May 2010
Hypocrites is a film that strays from the traditional "narrative" movie. It tells a story; however unlike most stories in film, there is no situational – or even geographical – continuity in the story of Hypocrites. Instead of containing a specific plot or an end goal in which the characters hope to attain, the story serves as a greater religious allegory that every character in and viewer of Hypocrites can relate to. Most fiction films of all periods tend to show viewers a real world through which the characters are moving. This world can be a genuine street corner or an imaginary planet, but is always presented as real experience and tangible geography, subject to the laws of physics. Hypocrites does not follow this schema. Weber's characters wander from one allegorical location to another with no unified geography or story line. Events do not have physical consequences; the action is based on spiritual expression. The allegories of this film are formed on the bases of American Protestant thinking that understanding a greater, divine truth is necessary. The film makes allusions to Weber's and comparable thinkers' interpretation of Christian values. One of the most striking examples of this is a scene in which the townspeople attempt to follow a priest towards the "Gates of Truth". One man, while carrying a bag filled with gold and treasures stumbles and cannot climb the hill. The priest looks back and tells him to leave the gold. This is an obvious allusion to the lesson in Matthew 19:23-24, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Weber further expands on this allusion with symbolism through colors. A girl wearing white (an archetype for purity and wholesomeness) can make it up the hill and follow the priest, while one in black (which symbolizes death and mourning) cannot. This is just one example of many of how the story of Hypocrites is more allegorical than plot driven.
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