Gravity (2010)
A drama-comedy about a group of suicide survivors whose worlds collide in an out-patient program.
25 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit this is one of my new favourite shows. My family also loves it. It's original with dark comedy. I can't believe it's not as popular as my other favourite shows such as Glee and Big Bang Theory. It really helps to bring you down to earth and find joy in the little things. Such as Carla, in the show, finds joy in killing a cockroach. It reminds me in a way of Pushing Daisies and I strongly hope that this show does not end up getting cancelled after two seasons like Pushing Daisies. Please continue more episodes, I think this show could really catch on. I first discovered it The Movie Network On Demand and have been hooked ever since. The characters really show that death can open up many windows, as they find love and pursue the dreams they never never thought of reaching for. They realize that they would have missed out on all this if they had succeeded in suicide. I'd recommend it to anyone.
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