RAmbling thoughts on a wonderful mess of a movie
5 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A great deal to process now that I've seen the final film of the 20th Century Boys Trilogy

Its a LONG movie taking everyone of its 160 or so minutes to tell the tale.The end credit roll and thee story still goes. They end and the story still continues.

You can pick up the film with a break between parts 2 and 3 as I did. Its not as bad as the break between one and two. Yes you will have to have seen the first two films.

Some of it goes on too long some of it not long enough. I liked it on its own terms (with the allowance of needing the first two parts)

How is it? Very Good. Frankly I long ago accepted that the film is a wild abbreviation of the manga and that as a result the film will jump around. I liked the film though I don't know if I like the final bit post credits. Though I can't explain why without not telling you what it is.

How is it as one story of three parts?

Its an unwieldy giant monster of a movie. Running over seven hours it's both too long and too short. Its a deeply involving tale with a huge cast, both now and then, and enough plot to choke a horse. I think the film will quietly become a corner stone of sorts in some circles with a huge cult following. Its not always successful but it is trying to do so much more than almost ten other science fiction films.

I think for me the film completely clicked when one of the characters very late in the game turns and asks if if could be a hero now.(perhaps it was whether what transpired had made him a hero). It was at that moment I suddenly understood what it was all about.

I like the film a great deal- though it suddenly occurs to me that one of the revelations makes no sense in retrospect- but by that time it won't matter.

A must see with the understanding its a wonderful mess.
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