Low Budget Neo-Giallo Gold
12 June 2010
If you're a fan of Italian Gialli…grab the film. This is a stylishly shot low budget film that really attempts to deliver that old sleazy Giallo craziness without being a spoof. This is no comedy, Parda and the cast take the material very seriously.

While some may find the quality of the movie distracting, I found the grain and soft detail quite endearing. It was almost as if I was back in the eighties watching a 6th generation VHS bootleg of Deep Red! The guys behind 5 Dead on the Crimson Canvas even made sure to dub the film slightly off! I laughed my damn ass off as I watched. I kept thinking, "They had to of done this purposely!" and I'm fairly certain they did. It really lent a bit of authenticity to the film. I never feel quite right watching Italian horror films and Gialli with subtitles. It's gotta be dubbed for The Horror Pimp! Granted, it had issues. Which low budget film doesn't, right? One such issue was the soundtrack which fluctuated at times and threatened to drown out the actors vocals. Aside from that it was a decent soundtrack. I would have liked to have heard a soundtrack better resembling something like Goblin but you get what you get.

Another issue I feel worth noting is the dialog. It was extremely stiff at times. Now, I know that's sometimes a trademark of some Gialli, but it felt a bit too stiff in this film. Once again, you get what you get though and it's a minor gripe.

My hat is off to these gentlemen for making such a cool little film. It had a real story, outrageously twisted, interesting characters, tits, day glow blood and even a beatnik poet. Could a Giallo fan ask for anything more?
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