16 June 2010
Glimpses of Western Germany (1954)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

This TravelTalks entry takes us to Munich, Bremen, Hamburg and Heldefberg to see how the country has changed since the end of WWII. The movie plays a few minutes in each city and covers the Berlin Zoo, famous churches, the colleges of Heldefberg as well as some of the streets damaged during the war and what they look like now. This is pretty much right on target for this series as we get some great Technicolor as well as some nice narration by FitzPatrick. As you'd expect we get our history lesson and it's a pretty good one but at the same time I think the film really could have centered more on the country and the various changes that has happened from the war. I think this is the most fascinating aspect of the film yet this is only covered in a very short time.
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