20 June 2010
Office comedies are usually fun. This is one of the worst movies I ever watched. Tyler Labine must wish he never did it, even though it is his brother's movie. If Tyler as the humorless straight guy isn't weird enough, this movie is so repulsive, I kept watching it anyway. Beginning to end, they went way out of their way to break new gross-out barriers. Not in the typical slapstick college humor kind of a way, but in plain-old bad taste. The three stars I gave it were out of respect for Tyler Labine, and because I don't like to be unkind. If you can get through the whole movie and keep from hurling, you've earned the other seven stars. I usually like the indi style of Canadian movies. They don't necessarily follow the usual Hollywood formulas. They're not afraid to be different, and for that alone, I generally find them interesting. Cameron Labine should have clung to some kind of convention (or decency) here. This was interesting, but more like watching a car wreck. This one doesn't even get points for being "so bad it's good". Just... "delete". You won't want to reboot this movie.
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