Rascal (1969)
An adorable movie..
22 June 2010
I have read the original book 'Rascal-a memoir of a better era' by Sterling North. My younger brother, Sunil, who passed away at an early age loved this book and had translated it into Marathi, the regional language of Maharashtra, India.

I had heard about the Walt Disney movie on this story but did not know where and how to get to see it although I enjoyed the picturesque story and lived with the life of small Sterling and the Raccoon while reading this book. This is the great thing about such great writers as Sterling North who impact readers even from an entirely different environment and culture.

May I mention here about a writer from the 19th century, Laura Ingalls Wilder who wrote 'Little House in the Big Woods' followed by the 'Little House series'. I have been reading these books ever since my childhood and have enjoyed the freshness at every repeat reading.

I would love to watch this movie 'Rascal' which I already rate Ten out of Ten in advance because the very idea of making a movie on such a book is adorable.
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