Review of Outpost

Outpost (2008)
Some two-fisted mercenaries commanded by Ray Stevenson fight against dark forces
25 June 2010
Eastern Europe , present day . A regular team is hired by a retainer (Julian Wadham ) to a company that acquired some real state there . They must go a place where every couple of months it witches between government and insurgent hands . The leader is a tough mercenary (Ray Stevenson ) . He'll operate six-man fire team , the money is six thousand US per man , cash , payable only on the safe return . Equipment (Richard Brake , Michael Smiley, Frost , Blair , among others ) will run to another five , up front. Then the regular army has positions to the south and insurgent to the north UN safe area is southwest . Then they encounter a German bunker plenty of relics where happen weird events. The group meets a pale man and they reckon the locals used this location for a little bit of the ethnic cleansing and they moved on . It was like a slaughterhouse down there . Then the employer communicates : ¨ On site , item located . Take all necessary steps ¨. Later on ,they encounter a machine which could be the Holy Grial of physics , there are four faces that control matter , the key has been trying to find how those forces interact . If they can do that , then they can explain the behaviour of all the substance in the universe. Einstein coined a phrase ¨ unified field theory ¨. Many people thought he was close to finding a solution . But when he saw the atomic bomb test at Trinity , he abandoned the research and destroyed his notes . Nobody has even come close to finding a solution since . Then the Nazis were working on the same thing , a machine designed to manipulate an unified field and the chamber above it where they found the bodies was built to control the resultant energy , contain it . As the Germans were trying to win a war . But with this technology , its application and impact in the modern world would be limitless and probably priceless . After that , they watch some Nazi footage as : the Third Reich was renowned for dabbling with the occult . Fantasy blending with scientific research , the ¨Field Theory¨ would have been perfect for them . An equation that could bend space and time , potentially alter reality . They were running some kind of trials on these soldiers . Exposing them to the energy harnessed in that chamber above , they were trying to enhance the men . Theoretically , the human body could become fused , disappear , interwoven with the magnetic fields themselves . The American tried something similar in 1943 . An attempt was to render a warship the USS Eldridge , invisible , using Einstein's theories , ¨The Philadelphia Experiment ¨ . Urban myth has it they were partially successful . The Nazis were attempting something similar , maybe even more ambitious . A soldier that was invulnerable and unstoppable . An army that could travel thousand of miles and nobody would be any the wiser until it materialised at the gates of the White House .

This exciting movie displays thrills , chills , warfare action and lots of blood and gore . Well played by Ray Stevenson as tough commandant , he is doing an interesting career in strong roles as Rome and Punisher 2 . Dark cinematography by Struthers and suspenseful musical score by James Seymour . The flick is professionally written and directed by Steve Barker in his only film and he is preparing the second part . Rating : Good . Nice thrilling movie full of action and violence.
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