Blue Mountain State (2010–2011)
COLLEGE! COLLEGE! "It's not gay! Stop saying that!!!"
18 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As my friend showed me this show I was thinking gaaaah.....I thought it was gonna be American Pie - The Series -.- and I gotta be honest...i find the American pie and the other teen movies even crappier every time, but Blue Mountain is soooooo awesome!

The characters are just brilliant except sometimes(but not often) there are jokes that leaves you thinking "". Alex Moran joins Blue Mountain State's football team and well....if he doesn't need to be on the field....he can't be arsed to go to the field...and as a second string quarterback he is not the most important man on the team and he sure as hell doesn't want to be :) He can party, get all the chicks...he's just plain cool actually haha. Sammy on the other kind of a loser, pathetic or just weird...but still i believe he's a genius and he is very likable...Chylo or w,e he's called...meh OK..Thad or w,e HIS name is...AWESOME haha. No he's not gay all though very often seems to be...all the characters just create a great great envoirement and funny situations and a hell of a good show!

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