Review of Whale Wars

Whale Wars (2008– )
These guys definitely got heart.
2 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of people out there criticizing, criticizing, and criticizing but what for? Because I can bet loads of money that you, the criticizers, have no guts to go out there and do what the Sea Shepheards do. Going out there to risk your life to prove a point requires dedication, heart, hope, something you will not, nor ever have. So whatever these guys are inexperienced but they have something the enemy doesn't have, which is dedication. Isn't there a saying that if you really put your mind to something that you can do whatever the heart desires? Last time I checked there is. The desire of the Sea Shepheard is to stop the merciless killing of thousands of innocent whales. So what if their tactics are mediocre but, hey they work. They must work if the whalers put up nets to stop from them throwing stink bombs (that are completely harmless), they install LRAD devices to ward them off, but NEWSFLASH:all of what they do doesn't seem to work because hey the Sea Shepheard keep coming back. These guys aren't terrorists in any way. Terrorist are people who go against international law. These people don't. There is a law that if government forces aren't going to enforce the law, they can. So watch this show it shows real bravery, real heart, and you have to admit real entertainment. I mean every time a show premiers I just can't wait for the next one to premiere.
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