Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Seeing Red (2002)
Season 6, Episode 19
Yeah...I'm seeing red alright (my eyes are bloodshot after watching this monstrosity)
5 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If there's anything worse in this universe than Buffy the Vampire Slayer giving love advice I've never found it. And I never want to find it. Ever. This is bad enough for Eternity. Why the writers insist on crippling the series with garbage like that is beyond me. Frankly...I think it's beyond them as well. If it weren't they would have stopped doing it a long time ago.

As it is, this is yet another snoozer -- complete with 1-dimensional, lackluster performances by just about everyone. It's funny...there's an April fool's thread in the forum section that mockingly criticizes just about everything related to BtVS. The poster meant it as a big joke. The sad thing is...virtually everything he said in it was true. This series really does suck. It's not even as good as a bad soap opera any more. Or a bad Batman episode. It's more like some shriveled up junkie -- just dying for his next fix.

Even the music, which had been one of the strongest points of the show is totally out of sync in this one. While the lyrics of Displaced, by Azure Ray, could fit Xander's situation with either Buffy or Anya -- the song itself is totally out of place the way it's used in the scene where he leaves Buffy and watches Anya in the Magic Box. It merely serves to punctuate what a mess this show and this series is/has become.

It's so bad, in fact, that even a cheesy cliff hanger ending doesn't help. Tara gets shot...blah...blah...blah...Buffy gets shot...blah...blah...blah...Willow gets enraged...blah...blah...blah...So what else is new in Buffyverse?

(And not that it even matters at this point...but those tombstones in BtVS must be made out of Styrofoam. They split in half every time someone falls against one.)
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