Have Gun - Will Travel: Squatter's Rights (1961)
Season 5, Episode 16
Going Out with a Chuckle, Not a Bang
24 August 2010
Apparently this was the series' final entry (August, 1963), although the copyright on the entry's credit crawl states 1961. Just why it would have been held back that long is not clear since it's a generally superior 30-minutes.

Paladin has a debt of honor to cattleman Costigan (Stevens) because of his brother. Trouble is Costigan's been forced off his ranch by squatters led by hen-pecked Clemenceau (Stevenson), and now he wants it back with Paladin's help.

Conflicts are interesting and well drawn. The headstrong Costigan may be dislikable but we understand his desire after years of hard ranch work. On other hand, squatter Clemenceau is a likable average-Joe just trying to make a hardscrabble life for the wife and himself. Still, it's not legally his land. (Apparently, there's no sheriff around to enforce the law.)

About halfway through, there's an arresting development that really distinguishes this entry. It's both poignant and surprising (note the real butchered cow). Anyway, I wish things could have been settled short of the clichéd and poorly staged shootout. But at least the final minute is a real hoot, unusual for a macho Western.

All in all, it's a worthy episode for the series to sign off with, going out with a chuckle instead of a bang.
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