Review of Next Floor

Next Floor (2008)
Gosh - I hate pretentious film makers.
28 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First - I defy ANYONE to tell me what the message of this garbage is. Anyone? What is essentially one joke, it is stretched out for 10 minutes. There is NO pay-off. Instead, the same joke keeps repeating, and repeating, and repeating, and...

A eclectic group is assembled around a banquet table, taking part in what can only be described as a feasting on endangered, rare animals. The guests are never introduced. They're only identifiable by their outfits - which are supposed to be 'iconic' - representative of who they are. The only (actual) speaking part is that of the 'major d'uomo (?), a bald-headed man, who's got a nefarious , mysterious quality. His ONLY dialogue is repeatedly saying; 'next floor.' The lighting, the cinematography is good - not exceptional, and that's the nicest part of what is an ego-built short.

I'm not going to give the 'plot' away - there IS no anything. Just a repeated joke. It never comes to conclusion, and unlike movies that DO leave the viewer to ponder what they just saw, the only thing to ponder is; 'why were they given money to make this?'

This movie is what a first - time (read: young, inexperienced) director thinks is a powerful, 'message' movie. If you're either someone who's not seen many films, or your experiences in life are still low, then you'll find a movie like this 'interesting.'

Otherwise, do yourself a favor - change the channel. GO to the bathroom. Feed your pet. ANYTHING other than watch this drivel.
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