Food, Inc. (2008)
10 October 2010
There's a lot of word on the street as to what we're all eating and what we're all buying, but the truth is, that the less we know, the better profits are for big business. I was aware of a lot of the downside of corporate food production and distribution, but Food, Inc. really opened my eyes to more sides than I even thought I cared to know. It has changed my buying and eating habits indefinitely and irreversibly.

From the beginning, I knew that this film was going to take the gloves off, and it didn't let me down. Often times, we do find that documentaries tend to paint the darker versions of what we don't know in society, and though this followed along these same lines, I was pleasantly delighted to see that they covered the bright spots and outlined what could be done to make a change.

I won't outline the film's points or go into any spoilers, but I feel like it's VERY important to see this film and others like it so that we might be EDUCATED and AWARE of how we're being manipulated, and what we're being fed, both with the food we consume and with the media. Once you see what is going on behind closed doors, you will never eat or live the same.

I was already on the green, natural, local, and organic kick before seeing this film, but not only has it pushed me more in that direction, but I've seen it several times, showing it to multitudes of others to spread the word that these are the things about our consumables and our society that we NEED to know! My only disappointment with this film is that the representatives of the big businesses who continue to deceive and implement and promote questionable business practices refused to be interviewed for the film, which was out of the hands of the filmmakers. Hopefully, we can get a sequel one day that will have these cowards face the music.

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