10 October 2010
A friend "bribed" me into seeing this film with a bottle of wine beforehand. I had heard nothing about it and hence, had no expectation. I probably owe that friend a bottle of wine myself, because this film was all the reward I needed. In an industry where fluff gets made and remade, it's always refreshing to see something entirely different, and that's what Animal Kingdom is. It's different. It's gritty. Most of all, it's REAL.

I know that some critics might pan the performances in this movie as being unmotivated, but I find this to be the opposite of true. The performances in Animal Kingdom are simply real. They are understated. I believed all the relationships, and throughout the story, I wasn't necessarily sure of the characters' motivations, so I didn't know what they were going to do next, which kept it moving and kept it fresh! It was definitely an indie, but that's what I LOVED. The lighting was natural. The camera work wasn't overdone and was intimate. The makeup, hair, and wardrobe was extremely minimal. It was complex in story and simple in execution, which made it... beautiful.

For me, it was easily the best film I've seen so far this year. The Aussies really pulled it out on this one, and I hope they continue to go this direction. I'm gonna be watching all the players involved in this film and will keep my eyes peeled for their next efforts.
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