This role was made for Christopher Lambert.
14 October 2010
This film is a retelling of the Tarzan legend. The main differences from this one than those in the past is that the film is a bit more gritty. The focus is of a more mature nature than a man swinging from vines and doing that famous call. Not to say this film is entirely serious or anything as it does have a few humorous moments within it. The story has a family that has been stranded in the jungle. The wife is dead and all that remains is the father and his infant son. Well a gorilla soon comes upon his doorstep and kills the father and a female gorilla ditches her dead child and takes the young infant baby. We watch as this young boy grows up among the apes and runs afoul of this mean looking monkey. After this segment, the boy turns to a man and stumbles upon an explorer who is running from natives and not in very good shape. For some reason he is nursed back to health and the man takes the jungle guy back with him to the uncle he never knew. The film is rather good, I did not care for certain aspects of it, but overall it worked. Christopher Lambert plays his role very well and this has to be one of the better films I have seen him in. The apes are done rather good, and look rather realistic. The story does get a bit to tragic for my tastes near the end, but I guess it fits in with this being a more mature and gritty Tarzan film.
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