Stick to the original
26 October 2010
I had decent hopes for this one, being a fan of the cheesy and fun original, but alas, was disappointed yet again. First off, other than demons, in a house and the title, nothing else is similar to the original. Calling this an update not a remake would seem more apt.

I was surprised to see a few decent B-actors in this film, as when I first heard about it, figured it'd be a bunch of no names with maybe a brief cameo or two. There is one brief cameo I noticed, Linnea Quigley answering the door for trick or treater's.

To the actors, Shannon Elizabeth looks about mid 40s in this film. Definitely not the hottie "Nadia" in the first 2 American Pie films, or sexy like her Maxim Days or for that matter, Scary Movie. Doira Baird looks good, real good if you like your women with breasts the size of pumpkins. Monica Keena, looked amazing. What a body! Not that you get to see anything under those clothes. And Edward Furlong. Not sure what his story has been the past 15 years, but he looks like a bloated drug addict. Not just this movie either. As far as the acting goes, its serviceable, but don't expect major thespian work here.

The directing was all over the map. I think the best parts were in the beginning with the whole silent film tactic used for the back story. It was well done, and although re-used throughout parts of the film, could have been nicer to see more of.

The demon effects were well done, but the gore was hammy. And although there is loads of blood on screen, there isn't much gory deaths. Basically total cheese fight encounters that make you groan in disbelief than getting pumped up for. Seriously, watching a couple young kids playfight in the backyard would seem to have more choreography.

In closing, the film could have had a lot more. Better kills, cleaner fights, more nudity (why just show a quick peak?), cleaner direction, better story. It plays like a comedy with horror undertones, which if the tables were flipped into a horror with some comedy, would have been much more entertaining. Not the worst thing I've seen this year, but far, far, far from the best or even mediocre. 3/10
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