I wish that Inland Empire would have been a six hour long movie...
6 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I like Inland Empire. In itself, it is a great movie. But if you happen to have the Special Edition DVD like I have, I would definitely watch this "deleted scene" movie. It's long and my first experience watching Inland Empire was, since it didn't play in San Diego (why not, it is bloody close to the real Inland Empire and we have several theaters which would have loved to play it), buying and watching the two disc DVD. I liked the three hour movie so much and had so many questions, my boyfriend and I whipped out disc two and started to watch.

I almost wish Inland Empire would have had all the extra footage in it. We learn more about the Phantom and his watch from it and some back story. I know people want to make a concise movie but Inland Empire is slow moving and mysterious, almost two much so. It could have benefited by the Polish story that weaves into the making of 47 and On High in Blue Tomorrows. It made some things a little clear, but still under a murky bell jar. Or maybe I long for six hour Lynch films. Who knows? I am still waiting for a six hour version of Fire Walk With Me.
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