Brought to you by Budweiser and Marlboro...
9 November 2010
...and marijuana.

With the Dancing Outlaw 1 and 2, White Lightnin', and an episode of Roseanne, our beloved Jesco has been the main White focus; but not anymore. Jesco is still on-hand, guffawing, tapping and being just a good ole boy, but we now get a glimpse of the bigger picture. The whole dang White family tree.

In The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia, you're introduced to a whole bunch of Whites. And in the beginning you may be slightly confused with who's who and what's what. But eventually, you get the swing of things as the film turns and basically places it's attention on the female side of the Whites; The trio of the Biggest (Mamie), the Meanest (Sue Bob) and the Baddest (Kirk), and I can't forget Mousie, or the gentle Bertie Mae.

Of course going into this film you're expecting the craziness and entertainment that the family is known for delivering, and that's all well and good. But really, it wouldn't have been enough for this doc to succeed. What had me nodding in approval after the film had concluded was the layer of emotion the movie delivered. Jesco has spoken in the past about the misfortunes of the White family, but it's not until now do you really grasp it. Unless you've gone through similar things yourself.

The White Family is undoubtedly questionable and intimidating with their life-styles. At the same time they live a very predictable life-style that unfortunately seems to repeat itself. Lots of sadness, violence and drug abuse revolve around this family, and they mask a lot of their sadness by rolling with the flow, and living up to their legendary name. And it kinda makes me think this streak that they're going on, may come to a sad and depressing halt. Then again, they're quite obviously tough, crafty and without a doubt survivors. I just hope they can learn to embrace their rebel ways, while slowing down on the drugs. One White made it out, and it seems Kirk is on the way.
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