Review of Skyline

Skyline (2010)
Another terrible movie by the Stause brothers
14 November 2010
Directed by The Strause brothers(Aliens vs Predator 2: Requiem), Skyline is a mediocre film at best and just like Aliens vs Predator 2 this movie has an awful story, awful characters, and awful dialouge. This has to be some of the worst writing in a movie this year. The dialouge is so bad it's funny with lines such as; "We need to survive." and "Don't make me hurt you." It looks like they tried to give the characters some depth but just gave up and the characters end up looking like stupid morons. I didn't care about any of them. This movie should have been called "What Not to do in an Alien Invasion" The movie never gives us a clear reason as to why the aliens came to earth other than to suck out our brains which the aliens use as a battery to power themselves and their machinery. The story is stupid because we never see what's going on elsewhere. The acting is also terrible. David Zayas got on my nerves with his speech impediment. I usually like Donald Faison(Turk from Scrubs), but he just isn't good in this, playing the sort of stereotypical black guy. Brittany Daniel, while I found her funny in Joe Dirt and It's always Sunny in Philadelphia, in this I kept thinking; "Just die already." I found the ending to be lame, stupid, and hilarious. I was like; "Really Strause Brothers, you are going to go in that direction." The only good thing about this movie are the effects but even they seem to get worse as the movie goes on. There are like two action sequences which are OK. The Strause brothers need to go back to creating special effects for movies instead of making them, because effects seem to be the only thing that they are good at. In the end all this movie is is an Independence Day rip-off.
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