Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010 Video Game)
Good fun
20 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, it's a lot of fun. Being a real nit-picker for military accuracy, there are tons of things that really erk'ed me. The boys at Treyarch did a lousy job with historical accuracy when it comes to weapons. I won't even get into it there were so damn many, it almost stopped me from playing the game. But I Soldiered on... Fortunately the story is very well done and the game play itself was intense. The decision to include zombies warmed my heart as zombie-hunting is now becoming a favorite American past-time. Good surprises were provided by a number of unexpected Hollywood performances. Sam Worthington does the main player justice. Ice Cube does well in Military roles. Gary Oldman can't go wrong. Ed Harris delivers with a vengeance and ironically I couldn't help but make the connection how you and Hudson AKA Ed Harris assault the underwater rig paying a homage to James Cameron's "The Abyss". After watching the lousy director's cut that turned an awesome movie into a horrible hippie-loving alien hugging fest, I was delighted to destroy the underwater set up with Ed Harris providing commentary. It's like your creating a better ending for the movie. Now that I've told you how I really feel about that movie, back to Black Ops. The Vietnam levels were very well done and fighting Soviets never gets old. The fact that flashbacks advance the story line gives us an excuse to jump multiple timelines all the way back to the end of WWII. I think the game designers are on to something. It's best to utilize ALL your timelines. When Call of Duty Modern Warfare III comes out, I hope they continue this and pay visits through all the series timelines. Notes for the gamers: -Seriously know your history, especially weapons. Optics, gadgets and what-have-yous only proliferated in the 1990's. You were lucky to have a scope and definitely no 'rail' systems. -Zombies: Don't stop putting zombies. In fact, put more zombie levels and please give us a mall to run around in. We have faith that you can deliver us a better "Dead Rising" Call of Duty Style. -Actor cameos: Nice treat. Good laughs. Keep em going. -A pre-mission load out would be nice. Gamers have weapon's preferences and should be able to pick up weapons and add on accessories and paint schemes to the default weapon you start each level with. A little 'intel' prior to the mission will allow gamers to choose their load outs prior to the mission. The exception is for a 'escape and evade' scenario where you have to liberate your own weapons. Also, each country has 'standard' weapons. A Russian Infantryman will not be using anything but an AK-series weapon. Definitely NOT a Tavor like in MW2. US Troops will only use M16-series weapons. The Famas is used by the French. Yep that's it. Anyone else carrying something outside their country of origin is Private security or militia.

Overall great gaming experience. Just please, Treyarch, learn from the mistakes but keep doing what works. 8/10 Stars.
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