Double Trouble (I) (1992)
Please sir, can I have another?
26 November 2010
Only once in a lifetime does a movie come along that not only defines a generation but challenges the artistic community to match its awesomeness.

Double Trouble is that movie.

So corny and cheesy that it could feed a starving nation, more mullets than a Billy Ray Cyrus tribute night, a soundtrack swiped from a 70s porno, and acting so good that the only reason that the one of the Barbarians brothers didn't win an Oscar was because they were so inseparably brilliant that it would have been a crime to award it to only one of them.

Can anyone watch this film and see the brothers run (run brothers, run) without wondering if buffalo have become bipeds? Laugh? Though I'd never stop.

This movie was truly mega-awesome but as I watched, cramped in belly splitting convulsions, I felt that there was something missing, some icon that would confirm to me that I was experiencing cinematic nirvana... and then there he was... David Carradine. Enough said.

10 Dolph Lundgrens
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