Doesn't feel like Romero did it. Oh well still better than most straight to DVD zombie movies
29 November 2010
Plot: On an island off the coast of Delaware, two rival families that have lived there for generations clash with each other. One family thinks the people turned zombies should stay dead while the other holds onto the slim chance that there might be cure someday or that the zombies can be taught to feed on other things instead of human flesh. It all changes when a soldier and the people with him arrive. I love George A. Romero but after this I think he's losing his touch or maybe he's just trying a different approach which in my opinion, fails. I didn't care about most of the characters and I thought it lagged at times. Don't get me wrong, it has some pretty scary parts and some pretty funny moments and I did find the cheesy twist to be OK. But it just doesn't seem like the pioneer and king of zombie movies did it. But it is better than most of the crappy straight to DVD zombie movies out there. According to the movie and my guesswork, I would say this movie takes place after Diary of The Dead(which to me takes place at the same time as Night of The Living Dead), a few days before Dawn of The Dead(not the remake if you'd even call it one because both share only some similarities), before Day of The Dead and a few months or possibly a few years before the events of Land of The Dead. I have loved all of the ...... of The Dead movies up until this one which I found to be OK. But I'm sticking with Romero till the very end.
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