Very underrated movie.
1 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was really surprising to me. I thought it was going to be a wacky parody of those cheesy old west movies of early Hollywood. It turned out to be more of A comedic expose/documentary about that film era. That is what made all the more fun to watch! Tom Berenger plays Rex, the singing cowboy, who's function in life seems to be to go from old west town to old west town meeting virtually the exact same type of people and situations to the point where he "knows" whats going to happen before it happens. GW Baily plays the town drunk , turned sidekick of Rex, who follows along with astonishment of Rex's cornucopia of old west lore. The supporting players like Andy Grifith and Mary Lou Henner also make stinging observations about the old west movie clichés. One of my favorites scenes is when the evil underlings of Grifith kill their evil boss henchman and bring his dead body to Grifiths house. Grifith asks the unexpected, but really obvious question, "Why don't you bury him? This is A Home, people live here!". It was really a funny scene. This is not a perfect movie and does have some flaws but overall I recommend watching it. You may be pleasantly surprised at the direction this movie takes. Its not what you think it will be.
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