They don't know what Jesus would do...
31 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really like John Schneider. From the nostalgia of looking back to the Dukes of Hazzard from my childhood, to my near obsession with Superman and Smallville, John has always been a draw for me. Hence the reason I watched this movie, knowing exactly what I was in for.

The acting: for an independent film, these actors gave their best, but as the other reviewers said, its not Hollywood. In some ways that's actually a good thing. But these people were 'acting' rather than 'being' their characters and it showed.

The plot: certainly look for clichés and unrealistic transformations of the characters throughout the movie. At one point, the preacher (I refuse to incorrectly refer to him as a "pastor" as the movie does) is robbed, says a few heartfelt words and the crook suddenly goes with him to get a cup of coffee. IRL that never happens. Transformations of the conscience from sin to penitence are longer, harder, and way more powerful than "hey, I feel your pain. Wanna go get a cup of coffee?" The main reason for this review, though, is an examination of the point of the movie. Unfortunately this movie epitomizes the shallow, feel-good view most people in denominational "Christianity" have of the Bible. The message the movie wants to portray is a good one. "Think about what Jesus would do, then do that." But those who put this film together don't really have a firm grasp of what Jesus would do. Jesus spent 3.5 years preaching the Truth as God intended it. He NEVER said "just do what feels right in your heart." In fact, God said that the human heart is deceitful (Jer. 17:9). It is the part that is corrupted and needs to be changed in order to obey the gospel by being immersed in water into Christ (Romans 6:17-18; 1 Pet. 3:21). A sinner who leads with the heart is doomed to eternal damnation. God said instead "come let us reason together" (Isa. 1:18), that the "word of God saves us" (James 1:21).

This movie has little more than the milk, the surface presentation of the do good to others, (that Christians should do!) but with little real look into the reality of the world and how Christians should really change it. John Schneider's character came the closest, answering the conflicts he faced by quoting scripture, much as Jesus did in Matt. 4.

To summarize, then: Do you want to know what Jesus would do? Go read 2 Timothy 2:15 and John 14:31. (KJV) Everyone else is Prov. 12:1.
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