The Keeper (I) (2009)
Not as bad as Seagal's usual straight to video efforts.
8 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Keeper starts in Los Angeles as undercover cop Roland Sallinger (Steven Seagal) & his partner raid a drug dealers hideout, after a shoot-out in which all the dealers are shot dead Sallinger's partner would rather take the two million dollars in cash than turn it in & shoots Sallinger who refuses to take part in the theft. Sallinger survives the shooting but is badly injured & is forced to retire, as luck would have it Sallinger's old partner Connor Wells (Stephy DuVall) who has become a wealthy businessman in Texas wants Sallinger as a bodyguard to protect his daughter Nikita (Liezl Carstens) who recently narrowly escaped being kidnapped. Sallinger agrees & is on the first plane out there, once there Sallinger takes over all the security as a mob boss Jason Cross (Luce Rains) orders Nikita to be kidnapped so h can hold her to ransom & get his hands on some land that is worth millions but he hasn't counted on Sallinger...

Executive produced & directed by Keoni Waxman as far as straight to video action thrillers starring Steven Seagal this one isn't too bad actually, I mean it's no masterpiece or anything anywhere near it but it passes the time & isn't as awful as many of the films Seagal has starred in during the past ten years or so. The script is fairly routine & uninspired stuff with the standard tough cop character up against some bad guy's with some personal motivation thrown in for good measure as his friends daughter gets herself kidnapped but it tells it's story effectively enough with a decent pace & even has a few good action scenes as well. There are moments that lower things a peg or two like doctor's thinking Seagal is in a coma at the start even though he's awake or his double crossing partner not making sure Seagal was dead in the first place but overall The Keeper is fairly coherent unlike some of Seagal's more recent output. There's not much else to say, if you have seen any of Seagal's straight to video films then you will probably have sufficiently low expectations to go into The Keeper & be pleasantly surprised if not exactly blown away with admiration.

The action is better than most of the stuff Seagal has done recently, sure he still looks a little overweight & wears a long coat to try & hide his girth but the fights are brutal with Seagal breaking arms & dishing out some serious beatings like he used to during his glory days during the 90's. There's not that much action elsewhere though, there's a half decent car chase & an explosion at the end but it's mostly fights & shoot-outs. There's a little nudity, a lot of violence & a bit of blood too. The Keeper also features Steven Seagal in an over-sized cowboy hat, that scene alone makes this worth a watch.

Even though the IMDb says The Keeper had a budget of about $10,000,000 I find that hard to believe, it's quite well made & competent if nothing else but hardly spectacular. Filmed in New Mexico despite being set in Texas. The acting is alright, no-one is going to win any awards but do passable jobs while Seagal just mumbles his way through his role as usual.

The Keeper is a reasonable action thriller that I didn't think was brilliant but at the same time didn't think was terrible, it certainly passed the time & is a lot better than most of Seagal's recent output which has generally been awful. Better than expected for sure, don't expect a masterpiece & it passes the time harmlessly enough.
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