Best Song of 1949
11 February 2011
Great rendition of the title song in the opening scene. The tune did indeed take the country by storm in that long ago year. The movie's plot is more complex than usual. I understand from IMDb that a second storyline-- one to justify the title-- was added to an almost completed first one, resulting in two story threads. One involves the old man (Tom London) and the ghost rider effects; the other involves the crooked Mc Cleary and the main plot line. The screenplay itself does a pretty good job combining the two. The real Gene was never one to pass up a good business opportunity, along with his ability to spot a popular song hit when he heard it. Both are in evidence here.

Except for the "ghost rider" angle and effects, the movie is fairly standard matinée action. Gloria Henry shows a lot of spunk as good girl Anne, helping to liven up the talk. However, old movie buffs can take special pleasure in catching cult favorite Mary Beth Hughes in a patented role of brassy blonde saloon girl. And check out that hat she sports in one scene-- it's big enough to shade a whole army. Also, Alan Hale Jr., the skipper on Gilligan's Island, puts in an appearance as a marshal. But it's the title song and ghostly effects that most mark this entry as one for Autry fans to catch.

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