Nice Naschy film with good acting as hunchback Gotho and lots of blood and guts
1 March 2011
A poor unfortunate hunchback named Gotho (Paul Naschy or Jacinto Molina ) whom the little boys hurl stones and in charge of the Morgue of a hospital Feldkirch falls in love with an ill girl who happens to be the only person who is kind to him and he cares her . Each day he brings her flowers until that the sickly young deceases. He never really believes her death , but one day she sadly dies as he thinks she is just sleeping. The girl eventually ends up at the morgue hospital Feldkirch where she is being ready for burial. Naschy's character flips out at the desecration of the girl's body and kills two autopsy's helpers , starting a murderous spree , being his first victim a student . The police begins to look for him and two Inspectors (Manuel De Blas , Antonio Pica )are investigating the deeds . This is when the Hunchback meets up with a mad scientist ( Albert Dalbes) who is helped by his assistant (Vic Winner) whose girlfriend (Maria Pershy) rules the girls reformatory . Gotho asks for help the doctor whose work isn't accepted by the general society to relive the body his lover . The megalomaniac scientist accepts in change of Gotho assists him on his experiments bringing to life a strange creature . The doctor Horla ( this name is homage to Guy De Maupassant's novel title El Horla) is a prestigious scientific , he promises the Hunchback that would re-animate the girl's body if the Hunchback brings him fresh body-parts from the graveyard and live victims. Gotho kidnaps and kills girls from a nearly reformatory . The doctor uses the parts to create a horrible creature and the experiments are realized in tunnels and caves from Inquisition time. The mad doctor pretends on feed his monster with human beings . But the hunchback will terminate with the sinister plans of the malicious doctor .

It's a delirious story about ¨amour fou¨ with multiples literary references , partially based on writings of known writers as Lovecraft , Mauspassant , Burne Jones , Edgar Allan Poe , among others ; all of them thrown in . It results to be a strong tale as well as sensible flick with melodramatic elements in which Gotho falls in love with a sickly young and a gorgeous Rosanna Yanni . Very good performance of Naschy as hunchback with below average intelligence who works at the morgue. Naschy deservedly won the prize George Melies the best performance in Fantastic Festival of Paris and other several prizes . Creepy and eerie images as when authentic rats attack Nashy and turned to be very difficult the filmmaking . The picture contains a crazy love story , but also lots of blood and gore as when Gotho stabs and decapitates the men in one of the several scenes of gore in the movie . It's a modern reprise of the stories of various writers as Necronomicon's H.P.Lovecraft , Robert Stevenson's Body snatchers , Mary Shelley's Frankestein and touches of Victor Hugo's Hunchback . Flawed but interesting screenplay by Jacinto Molina who blends diverse themes . Colorful and evocative cinematography by Raul Perez Cubero , furthermore atmospheric score by Carmelo Bernaola . Appropriate sets and production design by Cubero and Galicia who worked in many Spaghetti Western . The picture is professionally directed by Javier Aguirre . Rating : Good , it will appeal to mad-cults movies and Naschy fans ; it's one of the best films .
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