Better than 95% of the similar parodies "National Lampoon" spits out ..................
4 April 2011
John Lovitz is very likable and very funny in this spoof of an inner city high school. The story is familiar, new, naive, fish out of water teacher, is eventually accepted because of his commitment to his students. "High School High", like most spoofs is a hit or miss affair. Some of the gags fall flat, but the film totally redeems itself with several hilarious moments. Stereotypes are on parade, but that of course is the purpose of a spoof, and things move rather quickly, so even the misses are easily forgiven. John Lovitz carries the film, but the supporting cast is quite good also. Bottom line, this is better than 95% of the similar parodies "National Lampoon" spits out, and is recommended of it's type. - MERK
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