Group Therapy
16 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is our old friend the Catalyst plot in which a stranger insinuates himself into a community, group, and causes mayhem until by the end the screen is littered with skeletons emerging from closets. Guillaume Canet has added spin to this trite plot by having the catalyst not coming INTO the group but LEAVING it. In short a long established group of friends spend a month each year on vacation as the guest of Max, a self-made successful businessman. On the eve of this years vacation one of the group, Jean Dujardin, is involved in a horrific road accident that eventually proves terminal. The friends opt to go on vacation anyway on the grounds that they are impotent so far as practical help goes. This decision, natch, unleashes all sorts of revelations, home truths, violence etc. Canet is a highly accomplished writer director and whilst this entry lacks the thrills and tension of Tell No One - which was adapted from a best selling novel rather than an Original screenplay as here - he still draws outstanding performances from the entire ensemble. Catch it if you can.
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