Captivating melodrama
22 April 2011
This one is a sleeper. It catches you by surprise. You think they're going one way but then they switch course and by the time you think you've figured it out they've switched again. Everything about is is first rate. The acting, dialog, scenery, direction, I mean everything. What's more surprising is that it takes place during Victorian England yet deals with subjects the gentle folk of that age preferred to keep under wraps. Despite the period costumes and scenery there's something very modern about the story. The two standouts here are both headliners, especially Ray Milland. His character starts out much like the one he played in "Dial M for Murder" but here he is more multi-dimensional, perhaps more human, not so narcissistic. And you can't help but like him, despite his shortcomings and machinations. Ann Todd too was very sympathetic despite her weakness for the charming Milland character. She exhibited an endearing vulnerability coupled with dogged determination. In the end I guess it had to end the way it did. But I fervently hoped for some other conclusion, one where the lovers pursued their dreams without wrecking the lives of others. That's how close I felt to them.
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