Needle (2010)
Very flawed movie but it shows promise!
24 April 2011
Basically this is a slasher movie. The one thing that stands out is the method used by the killer. Not going to say it but the title word is pretty explanatory (For one moment you will get this Hellraiser vibe when the method is used,which was even more promising,but it is far from it). Prepare yourself for some gory death scenes. There are elements however that prevent from "Needle" becoming a classic. First the acting by some of the cast. Travis Fimmel really seems to be going to much overboard with his laid back attitude.It is downright annoying. The main character however is even worse. He goes from sensible to a complete idiot in no time.Supposedly he was to express like he was in shock or something.But then observing the other actors it came across that not everyone took the plot very seriously. And while I understand the absurdity of the content. For a horror movie like this to work at least the actors should not act like it is one big comedy. The sense of dread should be there and it wasn't. The slow pace also isn't helping much. There were too many scenes that had no purpose other than filler scenes.Resulting in a less thrilling affair.But if you can overlook and accept the flaws in plot you will be able to enjoy it.
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