Doctor Who: Day of the Moon (2011)
Season 6, Episode 2
Moffat's Sleight Of Hand
4 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There's something about writer Steven Moffat's place in fandom . He can hypnotise fans in to thinking there's more profound and intriguing going on in a DOCTOR WHO script than there actually is . Instead of writing a linear resolution to a cliff hanger he starts the episode three months after the end of the previous episode . Actually this shouldn't be a complaint since it involves a great hook where the Doctor is a prisoner and Amy and Rory are dead . Unfortunately this leads to a cop out where it's revealed they aren't dead and Canton Delaware is in league with The Doctor . It might have a dramatic impact but ask yourself how this intricate plan could possibly work in reality ? It's the dramatic impact of " The Doctor woke up and it was all a dream "

As to the plot proper I'm guessing Moffat has seen INCEPTION ? It's obvious you know . Have characters rushing around in a mind bending mess of a story trying to kid on to the audience that there's something more complex than bad writing going on . This is done by having character A ask a question and character B giving away all the plot mechanics by saying they're doing ABC because of XYZ which will lead to ... well you get the idea . Or rather the concept . Or maybe not . Did someone mention the emperors new clothes by any chance ? And just to prove how simplistic the storytelling is how does the Doctor save the day . He gets humanity to shoot all The Silence ! How radically complex is that ?

Just in case anyone might be asking questions about the problematic nature of the storytelling Moffat - just like The Silence - tries to make the audience forget what they've just seen . He does this by the most manipulative plot turn in the history of the show by suggesting very heavily that The Doctor and Amy have had sex but thankfully a pregnancy scare is merely a scare . If we're talking about scares may I suggest fans be more scared by the falling viweing figures and the need to praise plots that they don't understand . Or indeed anyone having a different opinion from themselves
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