Lexx (1996–2002)
Absolutely awful! Watch Farscape instead.
5 May 2011
This is the story of a bunch of escaped prisoners who travel on a gigantic living ship. You've got the average guy, the skillful warrior, the slutty girl. the little whiny one, and the plant girl. Sound familiar? Well, it should. This is basically Farscape if drunken monkeys would have made it. Now, I know what you're going to say: Lexx actually came out almost 2 years before Farscape, but considering pre-production, production and post-production, I'm confident that they didn't actually rip each other off. They were both products of their time. One was good, and one sucked. The one that sucked starts with an L and ends with an X.

You need more? OK. The visual effects SUCK. You can catch MUCH better effects from second grade film students. There's really no way to describe how bad the effects are without going into a lot of boring technical details. Suffice it to say, the effects seem to be made in PowerPoint. By the aforementioned drunken monkeys. On acid. While sleeping. And they're blind!

The music: What music? More drunken monkey stuff. The same three 15-seconds sound loops get used, and re-used, through-out the entire series. This must be the laziest soundtrack composer of all time!

Now for the really horrible part of Lexx; the story: My God. No character development. At all. Ever. I mean it! NOT EVER. It seems to be written for 12 year old boys, who've just discovered girls. You won't find a more insulting and misogynous collection of completely uninteresting stories. But hey, if you're 12 years old and willing to suffer through 46 minutes of mind- numbing boredom to see 6 seconds of gratuitous topless nudity, then this show is for you! I can't figure out what the story writers were aiming for. Women are sexual objects, men are sex-crazed, evil is evil for no reason, and dead people can apparently walk around. What's up with that? And another thing; Every episode contains about enough story material for a 10 minute show, but they drag it out... and out... for 46 minutes!! Every scene is at least 5 times too long!

In short, to round things up; watch Farscape instead, you'll live longer.
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