i love french cowboys and Indians who live with a talking horse don't you
8 May 2011
So I just came out of retirement and reviewed the horrible salt. I need a movie that doesn't suck. So I give you the crazy ass french stop motion animation flick called " A town called panic" from 2009. This movie has been described as surreal, i just call it awesome. What I loved about this movie is it made no sense, well so did salt but i hated that, so why did I love this one? Well because it is not supposed to make sense, It is just a crazy film with a crazy adventure that all starts when someone orders way too many bricks and the movie just keeps rocking from there. It is in french so don't watch if you don't like subtitles and don't get an English version, it is animation but I can't see anyone portraying the zaniness of these characters other than the original actors, all though it may be possible. Look if you like to just have good clean fun, or you like to enhance your movie going experience through chemical experiments, or you just love good art that doesn't beat you over the head with how smart it is than kickback and laugh. If you like concise reviews please see my other reviews at http://raouldukeatthemovies.blogspot.com/
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