A film full of culture and colours
25 May 2011
"Salami Aleikum" is a Persian-German Comedy. It was published in 2010. Mohsen a sensitive young man lives in Cologne, Germany with his parents. His father, immigrated from Iran, is a butcher, and wants Mohsen to take over his butchery because his license was taken away by the police. Because Mohsen is afraid of killing animals and always knits his "scarf of life" when he is nervous and scared, he gets to know to a polish fraud who offers him "the most beautiful sheep" for a low price and also slaughtered. Without his father's permission he starts his journey to Poland. Unfortunately on the way there his car does not work properly anymore. He has to stay in a small village in Eastern Germany where many racists live. There he meets the vegetarian Ana, a tall and broad-shouldered young woman. He falls in love with her immediately. In that very moment Mohsen starts becoming entangled in a web of lies...

Similar to Bollywood films, there are several colourful scenes in "Salami Aleikum" where everyone sings and dances and is happy. Even though some funny parts are spoken in the Persian language, non-Iranians can still laugh about the jokes as there are subtitles in those parts. Even the third time I watched the film I still could laugh about the jokes. It is indeed funny to watch Mohsen trying to avoid letting Ana know that he actually is a butcher's son and you surely laugh at the misunderstandings between their parents. This is an ideal film for those who want to watch something different and not only the commonly known comedies full of clichés. I would recommend "Salami Aleikum" especially to Iranians and those who are interested in their culture. Navid Akhavan and Michael Niavarani, a well known Comedian living in Austria, did a great job and acted very powerfully.
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