One of Harrison Ford's best films
3 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Presumed Innocent is a murder mystery, a character study and also an examination of the criminal justice system. Rusty Sabich (Harrison Ford) plays a Prosecutor who is tasked with investigating a murder. The victim is his former mistress, Carolyn Polhemus played by Greta Scacchi in her first big Hollywood movie.

Soon he is charged with Carolyn's murder.The irony is that the system, he once served for years, now turns on him. He finds himself in the same position of the character played by Kevin Costner in the movie No Way Out which came out in 1987.

Quite early in the film, we are given hints that all is not well in the Sabich household. The blow back from the affair still creates tension.

Ford gives one of his best performances, as a decent man who becomes bewitched by a sexy(and very ambitious) colleague. We want to believe that he is innocent.Harrison is one of those actors who does so little,but his eyes give so much away.He is so wounded by his actions and the fallout.The scene at the end, when all is revealed is great.Rusty says nothing, but his face reveals so much :hurt, guilt, sorrow and pain.

The supporting cast is excellent, from Brian Dennehy as Rusty's shifty boss Raymond Horgan to Bonnie Bedelia as Rusty's wife. Look out for future West Wing Star Bradley Whitford in a small role. Greta Scacchi's role is basically a cameo, but her performance is central to the whole story.

This is a great thriller that still stands up after all these years due to great performances and a great direction from the late Alan J Pakula.
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