Review of The Lonely

The Twilight Zone: The Lonely (1959)
Season 1, Episode 7
Outstanding Episode about the complexity of the human condition
7 June 2011
A lot of what is in the Twilight Zone episodes lived inside of Mr Serling himself. In a short twenty odd minutes he paints a complex picture of the emotional human condition in general. I have read where he had a lot of insecurities about himself and I think he tried to make sense of this universe and his place in it through his writing. He first establishes the anguish of Corey's loneliness and his sense of desolation. I thought Jack warden was really outstanding in this episode. His narration of Serling's monologue about loneliness near the beginning of the show was heart felt and I thought really communicated what Serling was trying to say.

The innocence and emotional vulnerability of Alicia pulls you into the story of two beings that feel and need each other. When she said she could feel loneliness too, Serling was again saying something deeper.

The brief scenes where they play chess and watch the night sky together are very poignant. Two beings sharing each each other making themselves feel complete.

The stark ending leaves the viewer filled with sorrow and raises complex philosophical questions. Corey's sad resignation in his last few words make this episode more than just the sum of it's parts. Rod Serling was a man who had something to say about ourselves and our place in the universe. What a wonderful thing to be able to create something for others to contemplate on after you are gone.
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