Barbie: A Fairy Secret (2011 Video)
Set the feminist movement back 100 years.
18 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Why did I watch this movie? Oh yes I was under the impression that it MIGHT be good. It was really bad!

SPOILERS after this point:

This movie is about Barbie, duh. Some, wait for it, FAIRY literally STEALS her boyfriend, Ken of course. And Barbie has to rescue him.

Throughout this ENTIRE movie was BRAINWASHING PROPAGANDA for girls to be stereotypical girls. NOT ONE FEMALE IN THIS ENTIRE MOVIE WEARS PANTS! Wow these days women wear pants more often than skirts, and dresses. The closest one girl got to wearing pants was the "stuck up" girl naturally! And they were skin tight leggings UNDER A SKIRT! WOW! You may say "These are the girly girls." So jeans are not girly? These days women wear dresses/skirts ONLY for special occasions. When one is seen with one on they are asked why they are all dressed up.

Since this movie takes place in the present (one fairy saying "too many apps") they must reflect the present style. The movie was so sexist! All women do is figure out what outfit to wear and steal each other's boyfriends? None of these women have REAL jobs they have all la la land jobs; actor, stylist, fitting room attendant. REALLY? Wow talk about telling women to stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen! NONE of these women do jobs that require actual intelligence! Just repeating lines, and the fairy stylists USE THEIR MAGIC to make outfits! They don't even have a bachelor in arts or something!

Also the whole "forgiveness sets you free" thing hmm, well the stuck up girl did not really do anything wrong to be forgiven. It was a MISUNDERSTANDING! MORE BRAINWASHING to teach girls at an early age to "forgive" TRANSLATION: LET PEOPLE WALK ALL OVER YOU, BE A GOOD LITTLE SLAVE TO MEN, LET MEN CHEAT ON YOU, ETC." WOW! Should women "forgive" a man who assaulted them. NO of course not. THAT is THEIR responsibility not to pointlessly harm a woman! I am aware I did not put a question mark. That is because that is not even a QUESTION! The answer is CLEARLY NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!! Oh yes and the whole thing that one woman did in a fairy store. She left her WHOLE LIFE behind for her HUSBAND! And now can NEVER leave the fairy world! So she can't ever be a part of her life BEFORE this guy. No, it's all about him! HOW SEXIST!!!! What about a compromise? They live in fairy land for a while and a while in the real world! WOW! HORRIBLE "LESSONS" for little girls! "Give up your life for men and be their slave." NO DON'T DO THAT! Barbie shows her true colors here! And they are sexist!

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