Only When I Laugh (1979–1982)
Enough to make me feel ill
20 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A dreadful TV series that I used to know as "The Suppurating Bedsores Show".(In those days my family only had one TV and I didn't always get the final say about what we watched).The idea of the three main characters being sat in a hospital bed for the duration of this series honestly made me feel ill! It's been a long time since I've suffered this garbage but I'm sure it never gave me a laugh. Richard Wilson as the curmudgeon of a doctor would later strike TV fame with his portrayal of cynical pensioner Victor Meldrew.

Maybe the greatest handicap that the likes of "Only When I Laugh" and the similarly dreadful "Wish You Were Here" had, was that UK TV sitcoms were,in general, better if they WEREN'T made by one of the ITV franchises. (similar these shows with the BBC's far superior "Porridge" or "Citizen Smith" that were still funnier even as repeats).

And is it merely my memory playing tricks or didn't ITV sitcoms have more manic sounding 'canned laughter' as if the makers were desperately trying to convince everyone that these shows were really funny...but only served to put sensible people off watching them.
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