You shouldn't be allowed to make a sex comedy if you don't know the difference between Playboy and Penthouse
25 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever heard the phrase "They're not laughing with you. They're laughing at you"? That pretty much describes this movie. It will provoke laughter. Not because it's successful at being intentionally funny, but because it's so unsuccessful at every blessed thing it tries to do. I do have to give it credit for giving an early warning to all viewers by having the opening credits list a "Special appearance by Carol Alt". Carol Alt, for pete's sake! How mentally and culturally out of it do you have to be to think a Carol Alt cameo deserves a mention in your opening credits? The producers, writers and director of My Best Friend's Wife might just as well have received one communal credit as "A bunch of guys who don't know what the hell they're doing".

The story opens in 1970s suburban New Jersey with two boys. Steve is sex obsessed and Eric can't get out of his own head long enough to let sex or anything else inside. And again, the movie gives you another early warning that it's going to be terrible. Young Eric is shown reading a Playboy but reads out of it the sort of sex letter found in Penthouse. How can anyone make a good sex comedy if they can't keep their skin mags straight?

After that prologue, the film jumps to the present day with Steve (John Stamos) and Eric (Daniel London) still living in suburban New Jersey. Their lives have both fallen into ruts, though Steve's the only one bothered by it. He's so bothered by it, in fact, that Steve suggests some wife swapping. Well, the movie states that Eric has been joking about the subject for years, even though that doesn't make a lick of sense for his character, and Steve's the one who finally decides to run with it. Steve's wife Claire (Tara Westwood) warms to the idea quickly. Eric's wife Ami (Meredith Salenger), however, wants nothing to do with it. Then after an evening with her emotionally abusive parents (Jessica Walter and Tony Roberts), Ami consents to the swap as long as Eric agrees to finally impregnate her.

Steve and Ami gleefully boink, while Eric can't go through with it for Claire. That causes problems, which Steve, Ami and Claire decide can only be resolved by having Eric go ahead and screw Claire, which they cajole, beg and pressure him to do. Eric gives in and they all live happily ever after. No, I'm not joking. That's how it actually ends.

In addition to stinking all around like a rotting yak corpse, My Best Friend's Wife is notably terrible for having more superfluous supporting characters than you can shake a stick at. There's Ami's parents, Steve's douchey work buddy, Eric's two douchey work buddies, Steve and Eric's longtime best friend Chuck (Bill Sage) and of course, Steve's horny boss (the specially appearing Carol Alt). If you combined all 7 of them together, you'd wind up with 3/4ths of a legitimate supporting role. The vacillate between annoying and useless and I don't know how at least 3 of them didn't get cut out of the screenplay.

The theme of this movie is about how Steve and Eric are freaked because their lives turned out to be completely normal as well as their obsession with not having has as much adventurous sex as their baby boomer predecessors. That's not a half bad premise, but how does banging your best friend's wife and having him bang your wife work as the most logical response to that situation? There's a billion other things these guys should have done, or at least tried to do, before wife swapping came up on their option menu.

And besides being plain old bad, My Best Friend's Wife is also so damn labored. The same ground is trod over and over again in scene after abbreviated scene until it feels like you're stuck in the movie Groundhog Day.

Meredith Salenger does a nice job and is nice to look at and there are two scenes in a strip club, so at least this movie has some nudity. Everything else is a mess you can sarcastically mock but not enjoy. Even if my best friend were married to a 100 year old toothless leper, I'd rather have sex with her than watch this thing again.
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