Dream Slashers (2007 Video)
There is a special place in Hell....
26 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
....reserved for anyone who was involved in the making of this dog turd. Cast, crew, directors, they all belong there. This is another direct-to-video production which utterly fails to deliver. Had this had a budget (especially special effects) and some real actors, it might have gone somewhere. No real gore, and there were several moments when I thought some soft-core sex scenes might save the day, but alas, they were either edited out or stopped before they occurred. There are few instances of well-read lines and acting, but mostly it's a little wooden. There were really no special effects to speak of, and even the scene where Charlie Watts is being buried on the beach lacked any reality to it. They had time for a twenty minute conversation while he is supposedly being buried alive, but the amount of sand being piled on him never increases. Lame. If I could sue to regain the time I lost on this junker, I would, but then it would have to be shown in open court as evidence and I would not want to subject a jury to this, however perhaps the judiciary is deserving.
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