This is no time to be chicken
29 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well I have to say that this Scooby-Doo cartoon although far from the greatest its also far from the worst. This cartoon definitely brought a smile to my face. It was funny, smart, but it could also get confusing, I often found myself lost near the middle and end of the movie. I found there were many funny jokes and many unfunny jokes, many smart twists and turns and many predictable twists and turns, but overall a good mystery, but many points during the middle and end its gets confusing.

Fred informs his friends that one of his best friends tells him that this a great time to travel to Mexico. Quickly after hearing the great news Scooby along with Fred, Shaggy, Velma, and Daphne hurry to pack their bags and are fast on their way to beautiful Mexico. Velma tells the gang that they will be there in time to attend the annual day of the dead, of course Scooby-Doo and shaggy are terrified. When they arrive in Mexico the gang hears a creepy story of El Chupacapra that has been terrorizing the town. After coming face to face with El Chupacapra decide they have a case on their hands. Along the way the gang is met with funny and unfunny gags, clever twists and turns and predictable twists and turns, and a confusing middle and end, but by the time its over you will still have a smile on your face.

The plot and setting are now once again like the original style Scooby-Doo where the villain turns out to be a man in a mask. This type of plot and setting I find gives the old feeling back of when I used to watch the old TV show, while I will always like when they use real monsters I always like the original way more.

The storyline the movie follows is not bad, its far from the best but still enjoyable. While the movie offers many funny Scooby-Doo gags but also gives some unfunny ones. The movie does get confusing near the middle and end while it is a good twist it can still be confusing.

Once again this Scooby-Doo cartoon has an all star voice cast such as: Frank Welker as Scooby-Doo and Fred, Heather North as Daphne, Nicole Jaffe as Velma, and of course Casey Kasem as Shaggy. Each voice actor does a great job as the character they are voicing.

By the time this cartoon is over I still had a smile on my face. I found that you either like this cartoon or you don't like this cartoon, it is in the middle. There could be many improvements but there are also aspects that just cant get any better. I would have liked to have seen more of El Chupacapra during the movie. This cartoon will never be called one of the best but it will definitely never be called one of the worst as it is an enjoyable cartoon but an enjoyable one that could be just a little bit better. So you may want to read some of the reviews to this cartoon before making your decision on buying or renting it, but for this movie you should make the decision yourself because you either take or leave this Scooby-Doo adventure.

Overall rating: ****** out of **********

*** out of *****
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